Wednesday, October 17, 2018

July Part 2 of 6 (Wahclella Falls!)

Alas, Summer had to spend a big chunk of our Oregon trip working, so it fell to me to take the kids on a short hike in the beautiful Columbia Gorge.

The kiddos were ready for adventure (though Oliver professed that he'd rather the adventure take place somewhere other than a forest, alas).

We didn't make it far before they were finding cool things in the path ...

... and sauntering back to me, pockets full of treasure.

There's a mini-falls on the way to Wahclella Falls.

There are big slugs too.

And super-cool cyanide millipedes.

Even if Oliver was scared from time to time, the kiddos were proud of their hiking prowess.

Madeline was even brave enough to take a hard look into a cave.

At last we made it to the falls!

On the way back, Madeline was especially impressed with the way the water shimmered like gold.

And at last, we made it back to the trailhead!

Then, unsurprisingly, the kiddos fell fast asleep.

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