Monday, November 7, 2016

Oregon Part 5

Timberline Lodge marked the end of our ambitious outings.  From then on, we mostly stuck to activities like playing at neighborhood playgrounds.

And the kiddos enjoyed quality time with west coast family.

We did undertake one last outing: a visit to the Rice Northwest Rock and Mineral Museum.  Madeline in particular was thrilled.

She admired the great variety of rocks and minerals on display.

Oliver appreciated this thunderegg.

Here, Oliver is scoping out dinosaur eggs.

Children who visit the museum are allowed to take one rock each from the rock pile outside. Madeline was only able to narrow her selections down to four or five; Grandpa Paul picked up the surplus.

Some of the August weather had been chilly, but things warmed up a bit in September, so we decided to take advantage of the neighborhood pool!

But before we knew it, our last night in Oregon had arrived.  We took the traditional posed shots:

And our next stop was the airport. This next shot is from our layover in San Francisco.

Finally, late at night, we arrived in Boston and caught the shuttle to our car.

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