Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Jersey Shore

Oliver gets very tired at the end of the school day.  Early in the year especially, he sometimes fell so deeply asleep that the teachers couldn't rouse him after naptime.

Madeline continues to love Petey very much.

After a few weeks of school, we took a long weekend and joined Nanny & Pop Pop and Grandma Susy & Grandpa John in Sea Isle City, New Jersey.  We played on the beach, building a sand castle with a moat that eventually filled up with the incoming tide.

Madeline showed off her dance moves.

The weather cooled off and our beach time became more focused on activities like walking ...

... and chasing seagulls.

We also had some nice quiet times at the beach house.

Soon we were joined by Uncle Alex and Alda!  We returned to the beach for another walk.

We found a horseshoe crab.

And back at the house, Uncle Alex and Alda shared art tips with Madeline ...

... and even read the kiddos their bedtime stories.

After a whirlwind weekend, we got in one last round of relaxation with family ...

... and then made the long drive home.

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