Saturday, November 12, 2016

Halloween & Hike

Then it was Halloween!

Madeline dressed as a kittycorn -- half kitty, half unicorn -- in case you couldn't tell.

The kiddos enjoyed trick-or-treating ...

... and traipsing through the neighborhood even on the streets where the windows were dark.

After a good run around the neighborhood, we made it home ...

... and the kiddos got to begin sampling their hauls.

We kicked off the first weekend in November with another Audubon hike, this time at Fisherville Brook.

We took a side path to the brook ...

... and Madeline was excited to identify a beaver dam!

For his part, Oliver appreciated this fuzzy moss (or lichen?).

The day was gorgeous.

And the kiddos had fun, even after Oliver tripped over a root and bashed his face on the ground.

At one point Madeline asked to take a picture of us!

Toward the end of the hike, I turned over some old logs and we found salamanders.

The kiddos -- Madeline, especially -- liked letting them slither around on their hands and slip through their fingers.

Ah, fall in New England.

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