Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Christmas vacation, part 1 of 3 (westward)

Before our westward journey, Oliver turned four months old.

He measured 26.75 inches long -- 97th percentile! -- and weighed in at 17.2 pounds.  He's big.  And jolly.

Also before we left, Madeline and I delivered Christmas cookies to the neighbors.

Finally it was departure day.  Madeline's favorite part was the bus from economy parking to the airport terminal.

Both kids were perfectly well behaved on the plane (though Madeline did throw an airport tantrum before the flight).  So it felt like no time at all before we were at the Allen homestead!

On Sunday, there were two things to be done: watch the Eagles beat the Bears (and how!) ...

... and decorate the tree.

Leading up to Christmas, there was lots of familial hanging-out time.

And we also went on an epic playground voyage, walking to three separate playgrounds in Beaverton.

About this, Oliver said, "brrrpppppbbbbbbttt."

Then came the night before Christmas...

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