Saturday, January 18, 2014

January in Rhode Island

Last time I posted, the Eagles were still in the playoff hunt.  Alas, no more.

Next season, Madeline's DeSean Jackson jersey might be too small -- whatever shall we do?

At least Oliver should be able to wear it.

The kiddos have continued to be happy, and life has been largely uneventful.

Ilan came over back on January 5 and the kids played very well together for hours -- it was great.

Oliver is very proud of himself whenever he manipulates a toy to his mouth.

And he's just beamingly happy most of the rest of the time.

Sometimes we are silly, like when Madeline and I wear onesies on our heads.

And sometimes we are serious, like when wearing a knit viking hat and eating granola from a baggie.

Last weekend we visited Lauren and Dan and baby Emily in Connecticut.  Oliver and Emily hung out ...

... while Maddie played with her dear friend Maggie the dog.

Oliver also tried to steal my coffee.

This is what weekday mornings look like:

Oliver has been playing with his feet a lot more lately.

And just a couple days ago, Madeline turned 35 months old!

The kiddos continue to enjoy one another.

And this weekend, there'll be even more excitement, as Grandma and Grandpa Greene come to town.

[Disclaimer: I wrote this earlier in the week but neglected to post it.  Don't worry, I won't deprive you of Oliver's five-month chair pictures.  You'll just have to wait a little longer...]

1 comment:

  1. :):):):):):):), etc.,etc.
    oh, do I wish I could hug those darling children..their parents too
