Sunday, December 15, 2013

Snow & cookies & snow

Last week, Oliver was happy like usual.

We had our first snow accumulation on Tuesday.

And Oliver was happy some more.

And some more.

Yesterday, Madeline turned 34 months old.

We spent the morning grocery shopping and the afternoon making cookies to be distributed to various recipients.

Madeline tried her hand at rolling out gingerbread dough.

She quite successfully used cookie cutters, and was even able to lift the cutters and prise out the cut dough.

Oliver's getting big enough that he was able to watch some of the goings on from this bouncer.

Madeline now has assigned him a lengthy pet name: Cootchie Coo Woolly Boo.  As in, "Where's Cootchie Coo Woolly Boo Beetle Oliber?"

While we were making cookies, snow was falling.  Today Madeline played in the snow.

She tried to pelt me with snowballs but they kept sticking to her gloves.

So instead she resigned herself to eating snow.

She also decided we should make a snow penguin, but shortly thereafter changed course and decided her hands were too cold to do anything.  We managed to complete this little penguin quickly (I ran back out to add the carrot beak) but weren't able to get to some of the other fun stuff we'd been talking about -- like trying out the sled she's been waiting months to use!

Well, this is New England, after all.  I don't think this weekend's is the last snowfall we'll see this winter.

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