Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Second Christmas

On January 17, Oliver turned five months old.

You know what that means!

He continues to be happy ...

... even though he isn't yet ready to eat enormous pizzas like this one.

Over the weekend, Grandma Susy and Grandpa John visited.  There was lots of playing.

And we had second Christmas!

Here Oliver's sporting a hand-knit sweater from an old family friend that just happened to arrive right in time for second Christmas, while Madeline plays with a toy he received.

After the gift exchange, it was determined that the children should wear astronaut costumes they received at first Christmas from their great Uncle Marc and Aunt Lucy.

This made Oliver happy (as, of course, does almost everything).

Later that morning, we paid our first-ever visit to Rocky Point.

Despite the cold, Oliver was -- you guessed it -- happy.

And Madeline enjoyed stretching her legs a little (and being carried a lot).

Later, she played with her now very considerable collection of Duplos.

Meanwhile, Oliver was happy.

Here's astronaut Madeline in zero-g.

Oliver is doing so well sitting up that he joined us at the table for breakfast one morning.

In fact, not only is he sitting up well, but he's also pushing up, rocking, scooting, and alllllllllmost-but-not-quite crawling.  Wow!

Monday morning, Grandma and Grandpa had to head home.

We spent the rest of the day at Ikea, picking out a big girl bed for Madeline!  She liked this one:

Last night, she needed some company to make sure it was safe from monsters and such ("I thought my projects [hanging on the wall] were scary monsters, but they're just nice monsters.").  But right now, she's sleeping peacefully in her brand new bed.

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