Saturday, August 8, 2015

Still in Delaware!

Later in our week in Delaware, we brought the kiddos to visit Grandpa John at work.  They were excited!

Then we went to the Delaware Children's Museum on the Wilmington waterfront.

Sometimes at the museum the kiddos were serious ...

... other times, not so much.

Later that day, Grandma Susy held a photo shoot with the kiddos just before a storm hit.  Surprisingly, the kiddos obliged!

Then while Oliver napped, Madeline and Grandma Susy made green cupcakes!  That evening, Oliver enjoyed his.

Over the duration of the visit, Madeline enjoyed doing tricks on Grandma Susy and Grandpa John's couch.

On Friday, while Summer got some work done, Grandma Susy, the kiddos, and I took another walk along the White Clay Creek.

The creek was pretty.

At one point we paused for a snack.

Then Madeline found a befriended a little snail.  She called it her "buddy snail."

That afternoon, Grandma Susy was indisposed but Summer finished her work, so we headed down to Woodland Beach on the Delaware Bay.

Though Madeline didn't always like being photographed ...

... the kiddos loved playing in the bay.

Then that evening we cracked crabs for dinner.  Delicious and fun!

We started with this:

And ended, hours later after the kiddos were asleep, with this:


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