Wednesday, August 19, 2015

August in Rhode Island

Finishing out our first week back from Delaware, Oliver and Benji had great fun together at daycare (thanks to Kristan for taking pictures!).


Then that weekend we went to the neighborhood pool (which has since already closed for the season).

Then on Sunday, after Oliver spent some quality time with Petey ...

... we went to Ward's Berry Farm for an Oliver-Benji playdate!  (Before moving on, by the way, take a close look at the top of the slide in this photo. Summer, Oliver, Karen, and Benji are contemplating whether to go down. It is a very tall slide.)

Oliver and Benji had a great time together!  (And thanks to Karen for the next four pictures.)

We had ice cream.

And everyone was happy.

After the farm, we stopped by the garden and playground.  We found a cool dead bug!

Here's a closer look.

Monday was a Rhode Island holiday.  I had to work, but Summer made the most of the time with the kids and made blueberry muffins with blueberries from the farm.

The kiddos did a muffin dance.

Then Madeline drew an oddly anatomical picture (labels provided by Summer based on explanations by Madeline).

The next morning, Oliver was excited!

Because he knew we were going to Ikea that night.

And the day after that, Summer and Madeline visited the office.  They stopped by Burnside Park for some fun craft programming ...

... and waited downtown ...

... for me to meet them for lunch.  Fun!

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