Saturday, August 8, 2015

Last days in Delaware, back to Rhode Island

Saturday was our last full day in Delaware.  We brought the kiddos to the school playground to run off some energy.

Walking in the woods behind the school, we found the skull of a small animal.

Later we identified its likeliest late owner as a young raccoon.

After Oliver's nap, we headed to Nanny and Pop Pop's for their 60th (!) anniversary party.  It was great to get together with the family -- Meg and Chip and Mary were there, and Kate and Jim even made the trek from Indiana, dog Sparky in tow.  The kiddos spent the whole time ricocheting around the apartment, sometimes with Sparky, leaving us thoroughly exhausted at the end.  We didn't get any pictures, but we'll share a great group hoto from Grandma Susy's phone in the next post.

Then it was Sunday morning and time to leave.  Before we hit the road, Grandma Susy and Grandpa John gave Oliver an early birthday present -- a car, which he loved!

After several hours on the road, we made it home.  And back at home, Madeline mostly just wanted to do math problems.

On Monday, Summer and Madeline spotted raccoons in a tree in our back yard.

Perhaps they were behaving oddly on account of the major storm that hit us the next morning, knocking out our power for over two days.

With the power out, unable to work, Summer and Madeline made the best of their situation and headed to the beach.

Madeline danced ...

... and ran around like the little force of nature she is.

For the rest of the week, both pre- and post-power restoration, Summer and Madeline played ...

... made their own Play-Doh ...

... and, at Madeline's request (really!), worked on more math problems.

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