Thursday, August 6, 2015

... and on to Delaware ...

We went to Delaware!

Our first evening there, we split a century egg from Uncle Alex's girlfriend Alda.  Madeline loved it and ate half.

(For his part, Oliver put a piece in his mouth, said "No like it!" and spit it out.)

Oliver asked Grandma Susy to draw a "bdon" and Grandma Susy obliged.

What Oliver actually was thinking when he asked for a "bdon" we don't know, but he seemed satisfied with Grandma Susy's simply writing b-d-o-n in fancy letters.

On Sunday morning we went for a walk by the White Clay Creek.

Oliver and Uncle Alex bonded.

And we all had fun.

Some of our time in Delaware was relaxing and low-key.

While some of our time was active.  We visited the Plumpton Park Zoo ...

... where there were lots of peacocks ...

... and we also met up with Great Uncle David AND saw a bear taking a bath.

Later, the kiddos played in a pool in the back yard, while Tim and Kate and other neighbors stopped by and visited.

And we had delicious Capriotti's subs with Great Grandpa Royce at his new home!

(More to come another night...)

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