Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Twenty-four months of Oliver

Zero months:

One month:

Two months:

Three months:

Four months:

Five months:

Six months:

Seven months:

Eight months:

Nine months:

Ten months:

Eleven months:

One year!

Thirteen months: 

Fourteen months:

Fifteen months:

Sixteen months:

Seventeen months:

Eighteen months:

Nineteen months:

Twenty months:

Twenty-one months:

Twenty-two months:

Twenty-three months:

Two years!

Oliver's birthday!

Sunday began Oliver's birthday celebrations.  We invited his class and a few other friends to join us at the Gladys Potter playground for food and festivity.  Once again, the kiddos enjoyed themselves!

Oliver loved his birthday cake ("My birthday!").

And all in all, he had a blast!

(Madeline had fun too.)

Oliver was also excited when Summer set up his new dinosaur sheets and pillow from Grandma Susy and Grandpa John!

He wanted to stay in his crib to read animal books ("This one eats me!  This one eats me!")

And then Monday morning came: Oliver's second birthday!

"How old are you?" "This many!"

Soon he was joined by Madeline, who seems to have grown about a foot in the last week or two.

Oliver was excited about his birthday.

On the way to school, we picked out cupcakes for his friends.  Then after school, we had his requested dinner ("chicken and pasta!") and then opened presents.

He loves his Thomas trains from his Allen aunts and uncles ...

... his construction equipment from Benji ...

... his piano from his parents ...

... his book from Anna, Neal, and Mira ...

and everything else, too.  He's been taking his stuffed Biscuit from Grandma Mandy and Grandpa Paul to bed with him every night.

And he really loved his cake.

More summer fun

Last Friday, the kids wore silly headgear.

Then I took Madeline on a special outing: a longish hike at Long Pond preserve.  We clambered over rocks ...

... found toads ...

... and generally had a good time!

Madeline spotted this fairyland mushroom.

And then, after we wrapped up the hike ...

... Madeline got the most Rhode Island lunch ever at the Middle of Nowhere Diner (coffee milk, clam cakes, and fries) ...

... and we topped it all off with ice cream.

The whole experience was fun, but exhausting.

Madeline revived herself for shanty sing though!

But then she ended up sad that Luke (the fiddle player dancing above) is moving to Colorado!  She told him afterward how sad she is that he's going.

And on Saturday morning, we met up with several friends at Roger Wheeler Beach.  While swimming with Madeline and Holden, I fished a crab up from under the water.  The girls decided to name it Crabby.  Ah, kiddos and their crustacean friends!