Sunday, August 11, 2013

Waiting for Beetle

Beetle still has neither arrived nor shown signs that he intends to do so imminently.  So we wait.  Here's what we've been doing.

Tuesday, while I grilled dinner, Madeline played with a basketball and a football.

She also ate a delicious nasturtium blossom from the garden.

Wednesday, we decided it would be prudent to take a picture of Beetle's station in our room.  Awww.

And at daycare pickup, Grandma Mandy snapped a nice shot of some of Madeline's projects -- in this picture, you can see her fish and her crab.

Thursday, Madeline met a very friendly neighborhood cat in our back yard (he was back again on Saturday too!).

Saturday, we spent lots of time outside in the beautiful weather.

This morning, we walked into town for brunch at the Mesa Cafe.  When we came back, we played monsters for a little while.

But Madeline got pretty sleepy pretty quickly.

After Madeline's nap and an early dinner, she was ready for a special after-dinner trip.

We went to Colt State Park in Bristol for a walk.

Madeline loved climbing on the rocks ...

... ad dancing on the rocks too.

The beautiful evening also made for nice portrait weather.

Sometimes Madeline took advantage of her larger companions for some walking assistance ...

... but sometimes she did just fine on her own.

We had fun.

Madeline showed off some of her gymnastics moves while Summer took pictures.


After Colt, we got a "special treat" -- ice cream from the Daily Scoop in Bristol.

On the drive home, Madeline told us a very long story about how "I saw Petey scratching at the closet like this [scratch, scratch, scratch] because he wanted to get out and I helped him sneak out because it was scary."  Then at home, as soon as she plopped into her bed, she fell fast asleep.

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