Monday, August 19, 2013

Beetle is here! Welcome, Oliver.

Saturday night around 9, Summer went into labor.  We arrived at the hospital at the same time as the delivery doctor, and were checked in at 11:45.  The doctor did a check right away and told Summer, "You're ready to push!"  And at 11:54 pm, Oliver was born.  After all that waiting, the speedy labor and delivery was certainly a surprise!

Oliver weighed in at 7 pounds, 11 ¼ ounces, and measured 22 inches long.

So far, he seems like a happy little guy.

He also looks quite a bit like newborn Madeline (I think, anyway).


There was originally some concern over aspirated meconium, but by yesterday morning it was clear that little Oliver was healthy as can be.  We started talking with the doctors and nurses about an early discharge. 

Meanwhile, I went home so Madeline could meet her little brother.  She was ready.

There was quite a bit of excitement at the hospital.

Perhaps a bit of trepidation too.

But it became clear very quickly that Madeline would be an excellent -- and very happy -- big sister.

She brought Oliver blankets to make sure he'd stay warm.

And she gave him his wind-up triceratops that plays "You Are My Sunshine."

Everyone was happy.

I deposited Madeline and Grandma Mandy back at home and returned to the hospital to await discharge.

We made it home around 9 pm.  Oliver was not sure how to feel about this.  Mostly sleepy, I think.

And he slept.

This morning, Madeline was very excited to find that we'd all made it home!  She gave Oliver hugs and kisses and held him on our bed.

Then she got ready to share the exciting news with her friends at school.

For his part, Oliver spent most of the morning sleeping, but when he's awake he's quite alert.

What an interesting world this is.


  1. Wonderful! You have really "caught" some special moments. I agree, you can tell he is Madeline's brother. He is perky for sure. I love the picture of Summer...a well deserved rest after a lot of "hard work". We are so glad that all went so well and swiftly. Hugs all around and we are sending much Love...N

  2. Beautiful Oliver... I must rethink Master Oliver's natal gift... Great minds think alike. Some other baby at some other time will receive a singing Triceratops who sings "You are My Sunshine" ;8^D It is so Wonderful to see your Beautiful Family happy and growing!!! I can hardly wait to see you all!!!

    yer dad

  3. Wow, what a fast labor! I'm glad everyone is home safely and happy. Congrats!
