Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Settling in

Here is a picture of Madeline at daycare last week, courtesy of her teacher Kristan.  She loves school.

And here's Oliver at the doctor's office on Monday.  He was deemed to be in fine shape, but we had to take him back to the hospital after the appointment for a routine blood test -- a consequence of our early discharge.

Here is Madeline Monday evening.  She is looking like quite the kid these days.

Yesterday, Oliver continued to look somewhat smiley ...

... and ever more alert.

He had to go back to the hospital for yet another blood test.  A test from Sunday had shown the presence of bacteria usually found on the skin -- meaning it's evidence that the sample was contaminated, not that Oliver's unwell.  Sure enough, yesterday's test (which included a white blood cell count) confirmed that he's a healthy lad.

Madeline continues to be enamored with her brother.

She always wants to hold him.

Last night, she also enjoyed lasagna made for us by Summer's labmate Kristin -- thanks, Kristin!

And she topped that off with some delicious ice cream -- lucky kiddo.

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