Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Back to Rhode Island, back to school, to the dentist, and more

After Lost Lake, our Oregon trip began to wind down.

Toward the end, we squeezed in another playground visit.

Madeline set up an ice cream shop.  She sold me ice cream for one dollar, Summer ice cream for two dollars, and Oliver ice cream for twenty-two dollars.

And then we found ourselves at the airport.

After a surprisingly busy but poorly documented weekend, featuring a fun Labor Day party and an epic basement-cleaning session, it was time for the school year to begin.  Madeline was excited!

Oliver wanted to join in the fun, too, so he had a special sign about going back to a daycare that had been transformed while we were in Oregon -- new floors, new furniture, new teacher, new Cozy Corner.  He was excited!

Both kids had a great time at school.  And on Friday, Madeline had her first session of after-school soccer.  She loved it!  She said, "We had to run to the fence and I didn't win.  Another, bigger kid did.  But I was great at kicking the ball.  I scored a goal!"

Also, she wears number 8 -- not as good as number 4, she says, but still pretty good.

That weekend, we went out for ice cream at Gray's.

Then we went to Cory's Lane to look for fossils.

We didn't find any ...

... but we did break up some nice sedimentary rocks looking for them.

On Sunday, the kiddos were happy.

To prepare for a camping trip, we practiced setting up our tent.  Madeline thought it was very cool.

Then she played with dinosaurs ...

... and then Oliver played with dinosaurs.

During the week, we took the kiddos to the dentist.  They played in the office before their appointments ...

... and grinned with their nice clean teeth and fancy balloons afterward.

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