Thursday, September 10, 2015

1. RI to OR

Before we flew across the country, we ordered Oliver some panda headphones in the hopes we could keep him entertained on the plane.  He loved them!

And on top of that, there were still birthday presents straggling in for him to unwrap.

Before we knew it, we were at the airport, ready to go!

The kiddos couldn't wait for the plane to arrive.

And once we were on board, they were even more excited!

All the excitement quickly put Oliver to sleep.

At our layover in Chicago, the kids marveled at payphones ...

... played on the playground ...

... checked out the airport's dinosaur ...

... and then, before we knew it, we were in Oregon!

Our first day in Oregon was pretty low-key.  We played on the playground ...

... read books ...

... colored on the sidewalk ...

... blew bubbles ...

... and, in our one more ambitious venture of the day, went to Powell's!

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