Thursday, September 4, 2014

Last days of summer

Madeline and Oliver have been enjoying the last days of summer.

On Sunday, we took the kids into Boston for the first time.  Oliver was impressed.  He couldn't get enough of the Fort Point Channel -- he kept pressing his face against the bars.

And ...

... he wanted to explore.

Madeline was more content to take it all in.

We met up at the Boston Children's Museum ...

... with Jeff, Carissa ...

... and Kyla!

The kids had fun romping in the museum, and it was nice to catch up with everyone (as much as we could while wrangling three tiny people).

On Labor Day, Madeline and Oliver played in the field by the local elementary school.  We kicked Madeline's soccer ball around.

Both kids were interested in the sycamore fruits ...

... and enjoyed the trees themselves too.

Little excursions are more fun for all of us now that Oliver can walk for himself.

That afternoon, Kristin came over and then we all went out for frozen yogurt.

Oliver approved.

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