Thursday, September 4, 2014

First days of school

This week, Madeline started at her new school!  We took not-quite-first-day-of-school pictures Tuesday morning before orientation.

Orientation was a wild time and we all met lots of new people. Afterward, Summer took Madeline out for cookies at our local bakery.

Later that afternoon, the kids played together in the yard.

And the next morning was Madeline's official first day of school!

She was very excited!

She was also thrilled at dropoff.  She didn't kick me out, exactly, but she certainly wasn't asking me to stay either.

Her teachers told us later that Madeline led the school photographer on a tour of the classroom; the photographer snapped a picture of a happy Madeline by her cubby.

Madeline's reports were enthusiastic: she loves her new school!  She did lots of drawing, played on the playground with her new friends, and learned fun songs in music class.  At home she drew pictures of her teachers:

Today, her second day of school, provoked no less enthusiasm.  She again did lots of drawing, she got to be the line leader on the way to gym class, during gym class she played a game involving running and hula hoops, and during outdoor time she rolled down the hill with her friend Holden.  We feel very lucky that Madeline is able to attend a school that's already made such a positive impression on her (and us)!  So far, at least, she really does love it.

At the same time, Oliver has moved from the infant room to the "waddler" room at his day care.  The first day I dropped him off there, he was excited -- there were six kid-sized chairs around a kid-sized table, with babies sitting in a couple of the chairs eating snacks, and Oliver walked right up to a vacant chair and plopped in like he belonged there.  He later took a single, three-hour-long nap on a cot, and at pickup he seemed giddily happy.  The waddler room teachers say he's happy pretty much all the time and breaks into spontaneous laughter from time to time (especially at mealtimes).  Today was more of the same: happy times and a long nap.

The kids are getting so big!

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