Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend, Part 2

In our last post, we left off on Sunday at the Audubon center.

In addition to the aforementioned elements of the trip, we saw lots of red-winging blackbirds ...

... and frogs.

After the Audubon center, we continued down into Bristol for ice cream at the Daily Scoop -- yum!

On Monday, Oliver and Mira played together some more.

And, after brunch at the Mesa Cafe, we visited the Roger Williams Park Botanical Center.

The gardens appeared to be under renovation, but the babies enjoyed themselves anyway.

So did Madeline.

After the garden visit ...

... Anna, Neal, and Mira had to head back home.  And we realized that Madeline was sick.

So today I stayed home with her.  We watched Frozen and Babe.

We also ate limeade popsicles during one of the brief periods when Madeline was not balled up on the futon.

This evening she still had a fever, so she'll be home again tomorrow. Poor little kiddo.

1 comment:

  1. The Audubon Center looks neat. I especially like the first two pictures. What a cute baby Mira is! Do I remember correctly that she is a month older than Oliver? Certainly hope that Madeline is feeling better today. How many times have you watched Frozen? I have lost count :) xo N
