Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend, Part 1

Oliver had his checkup last week and was pronounced healthy and large.  As usual, he enjoyed the experience.

Madeline spent her week trying to become some sort of garden spirit.

Friday morning, Anna, Neal, and Mira flew in for a visit.

Later that day, we visited Meshanticut Pond.

There, we saw a nesting swan ...

... and a family of geese.

On Saturday, we went to the farmers market.  Madeline was sidetracked by the Lippitt Park playground.  She surprised all of us by clambering up this climbing wall without a second thought, then sliding down the big slide.

Apparently, the exertion made her hungry.

Baby Mira seemed to like our house.

And she and Oliver got along well.  Here they are playing on Sunday at the Audubon Environmental Education center in Bristol.

At the Audubon center, we also took a walk down the boardwalk to the bay.

Madeline alternated between riding ...

... and running.

To be continued ...

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