Thursday, October 31, 2013


Today was Halloween.  The kiddos wore their costumes at daycare this morning and performed a combination parade/trick-or-treat for some of the residents of the nursing home whose facilities they share.

Madeline was very excited about her baby beluga costume.

Summer and I both took the day off because Oliver starts at daycare tomorrow.  We spent some time with him in the daycare's baby room today, then took off for a nice, long walk on East Beach in Charlestown, where there are miles of beautiful, undeveloped beach.

Summer spotted a tiny crab.

And, when he woke up, Oliver decided he really liked the beach.

After our walk, we got lunch at George's of Galilee.  Oliver was interested in our clam cakes.

We returned home to prepare for trick-or-treating.

Oliver wore the bear suit that Madeline used to wear when she was tiny.

He and Madeline were ready for trick-or-treating!.

Ilan came over.  He was supposed to be a seagull, but decided he didn't want to wear his wings.

We headed out for adventure.

Madeline and Ilan are adorable.

Shortly after returning home, Ilan and family headed back to Providence.  Meanwhile, Madeline admired her haul.

And Oliver was happy.

1 comment:

  1. That video is one of the cutest things I've ever seen ... "someone" was really wound up! Great pictures, little guy looking so pleasant and happy ... how did daycare go ... for both him and you guys? Thanks for including all of us in your Halloween. Much Love...N
