Saturday, October 19, 2013

32 months, 2 months -- 3 videos

Here's a video from September 30:

Monday, Madeline turned 32 months old -- that means another set of chair pictures (this time with company).

Later, Oliver took a bath.

Wednesday ...

... Oliver had some tummy time ...

... and surprised Summer!

Thursday, Oliver turned two months old.

Friday, Oliver was fussy and had a fever, so I came home early with Tylenol in tow.  The house was so nice and fall-ish that I had to take a picture.

After I worked from home for some time, I did the crossword with Oliver.

Today, Oliver was happy -- and fever free.

We went to some craft stores in an effort to find raw materials for Madeline's requested Baby Beluga costume.

After dinner there was a little sibling love-fest at the table.

Then it was bedtime.

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