Because Madeline's six months old today, we started the day with the traditional photo shoot. We'll therefore start the post with the traditional recap of past months' photos.
One month:
Two months:

Well, actually today she was a bit of a handful. Despite unmistakable signs of tiredness this morning, she wouldn't nap until I rocked her to sleep.
And then it was time for a trip to Boston to pick up the Allen grandparents fresh in from Oregon. Madeline slept all the way there, but on the way back we only made it this far:
... before Madeline's shrieks became so insistent that we pulled off so Summer could feed her. That's the Blue Hills Reservation, apparently. Anyway, even after a meal (and a diaper change for good measure), when we took to the road again, she took to her screams again. Welcome to the east coast, grandparents!
Grandpa-boxing aside, the rest of the day was pleasant and involved plenty of attention for a happy baby.

Three months:
And here's our little six-month-old:

Back at home, she took out her frustration on poor grandpa.

Night, though, has marked a return to Madeline's handful ways. She seems wholly uninterested in remaining asleep, having wakened wailing three times. She's asleep now, so shhh...
Please tell Mandy I have called and left my home phone on her VM at home. Or have her call me again from her cell phone. BTW, Madeline is quite the charming child and I so enjoy your blog!