Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Brown & farmers market

Madeline's been having a string of good days that tend to follow a predictable pattern: happy morning exercise ...

... a glowing report from daycare, and a relatively relaxed evening at home. She continues to chatter and experiment with syllables, favoring "da," and she continues to make noticeable progress in her crawling-prep. And we continue to fit in plenty of quality family time.

This afternoon I had the pleasure of picking Madeline up from daycare. She greeted me with a "da!" We spent some time playing on the green in front of Brown's new Granoff Center and in the Sidney Frank Hall Passage (both part of the ominously named "The Walk"), where Madeline charmed passersby and became intrigued by the texture of brick. When Summer emerged, we proceeded to the farmers market for produce, dinner, and the above-pictured lawn-lounging. Then it was home and to bed.

1 comment:

  1. I love that second picture! It is really special...xo N
