Today was mostly rainy, so we had fun inside. Madeline was introduced to the quintessential kids' toy: a box big enough to fit in. She liked when I pushed her around in it but otherwise tired of it quickly.

The humidity was so intense that Madeline didn't last long in her outfit, but instead wore just a diaper for most of the day.

In addition to her toys, housebound Madeline enjoyed some fine literature. As you can see, this particular book was quite serious:

And of course Madeline got in some crawling practice, which she's always happy to do.

She continues to make progress:

She's progressing well enough that, instead of frustration, smiles follow the exertion of crawling practice.

This evening, too, she was quite good as we had friend Tyler over. The rain cleared just in time for some grilling and yard-sitting. Madeline looked intently at everything and joined the conversation from time to time, too. And, after dinner, she continued to smile through bedtime until she fell asleep.
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