Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Lots of family!

Despite yesterday's promise, today I continued to be neglectful with the camera. The result is that you only get a couple of blurry pictures. Tomorrow it will be necessary to do some posed shots -- it's not every day you get all four bi-coastal grandparents and a great-grandpa together under one roof. It takes a special occasion like a PhD defense!

Anyway, sure enough the Greene grandparents and great-grandpa, too, trekked up from Delaware to join the Allen grandparents in Providence today. Madeline had no idea this morning what excitement awaited her this afternoon.

But later she was surprised by an early daycare pickup. Instead of the usual Summer, today the pickup brigade included me, both grandmas, and great-grandpa (meeting her for the first time!). And great-grandpa brought a much-appreciated present:

But that's all I'll write for now, lest my typing disturb Summer, who's trying to sleep before her big day! (And in case anything above makes no sense, it should be noted that I'm sleepy, too.)

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