Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Missed milestones

In my illness-induced exhaustion yesterday, I forgot to mention that baby began crawling forward for the first time! Mind, she's only managed to coordinate both arms and her left leg, dragging the right one along with her, but still -- she's crawling! We're very impressed. Hopefully we'll get video soon so you all can be, too.

Also overlooked is that Summer put Madeline to bed in her crib for the first time Sunday night. Madeline went down just fine. She didn't stay all night, but she did last five hours or so -- not bad! Then sickness struck and we returned to routine; soon we'll try the crib again.

That's all for now. Here are two pictures from today: the first is of Madeline trying to will a cat to come to her; the second is of her napping in the yard after we took a walk around the neighborhood this afternoon.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

More sick

At least one of us had to stay home with Madeline today -- daycare imposes a 24-hour quarantine following a sickness-event like she had yesterday. As it turned out, we both stayed home, both to take care of Madeline and to deal with our own stomach bugs. I got through the worst of mine last night but still felt off for most of the day. Summer's bug didn't strike 'til early this a.m., but it stayed with her all day.

Madeline, though, showed no further signs of sickness. She was either happy ...

... or, from time to time, fussing due to teething pains. Hopefully everyone will be happy and healthy tomorrow.

Monday, August 29, 2011

First sick day

Madeline was sent home sick from daycare today around noon. She seemed in pretty good spirits when I picked her up and for most of the afternoon, but she did get increasingly irritable during the evening. Max is also not feeling well so perhaps there is something going around. I hope I'm not next!

Anyway, short post today since Max and I are both exhausted.

Some cute pictures of a sick? Madeline:

She's not big on banana, but she really enjoyed chewing on my banana peel!

Ready for dinner!

I love tomatoes!

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Today Irene visited us. We stayed inside for most of the day, so Madeline played on her quilt ...

... and played on her quilt (bppft!) ...

... and played on her quilt.

We kept getting reports of spreading power outages -- over half the state at one point -- and so hovered in a state of preparedness until the storm passed and nothing much had happened. Around 6:30, we headed outside to see how the neighborhood had fared.

A tree on our block had been uprooted and knocked out some wires; crews were already working to clear up the mess.

And that was the scene pretty much every few blocks.

Lots of debris and lots of beautiful trees pinning power lines against yards and houses. Plus the whole neighborhood wandering around taking it all in.

Now Irene's visiting New Hampshire on its way to Canada, and Rhode Island should be more or less back to normal.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Indoor play

Today was mostly rainy, so we mostly played inside.

1) Madeline enjoyed lounging in a big persons' chair.

2) She spent lots of time on her quilt with her toys, including cheetah friend.

3) Madeline's always fond of meal breaks. Today she had a bit of egg and her first piece of banana (breakfast), a mushroom slice (lunch), and some baked apple (dinner). The apple was her favorite.

4) Walking practice with mama was extra fun!

5) But nothing beats upside down time.

6) All told, today's indoor play produced lots of smiles and giggles.

Tomorrow we'll stay inside, too -- the hurricane's a-comin'!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Madeline doesn't like roasted peppers

Something tasty -- for me?!?!

Why yes, I think I'll try it.

This yellow pepper looks delectable.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Checkup and coast

Today was Madeline's six-month checkup. She weighed in at 17 lbs. 5 oz. and measured 25.75" long (though we're pretty sure she's longer than that). And she got shots. She was a trooper: she turned beet red and cried at the needles but recovered immediately afterward.

With a little extra afternoon at our disposal, we headed back to the Tiverton/Little Compton area and drove along the coast while Madeline took a long nap. Then we returned to Evelyn's for more lobster rolls. Madeline was intrigued.

And she seemed happy for the excursion. The hot weather was tempered by some significant wind, which Madeline has always enjoyed.

Plus she got to watch some interesting birds, especially a seagull that begged for food. Here it is flying to some folks offering it a no-doubt-tasty morsel.

The wind tousled Madeline's hair (and Summer's, too).

And it provoked a string of babbling from an exhilarated baby.

So Madeline wasn't too traumatized by the needles, and we all got to enjoy a bit of fresh, salty air. All in all a pleasant afternoon.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Teething pains, smiles, and giggles

Madeline had a rough morning to follow a rough night: teething has been causing her enough trouble that we suspect actual teeth might be on their way out soon. But, roughness aside, we still had our usual happy quilt time this morning ...

... and Madeline still smiled at some of her favorite toys ...

... including her new blue horse.

With the help of some baby Tylenol, Madeline made it through a good day at daycare. Her smiley, giggly mood lasted well into our time together at home. She smiled as we sat in the yard ...

... and as she practiced crawling ...

... and she giggled when I gave her kisses.

When Summer came home, we proceeded to the farmers market. Most of the stands were being taken down around the time we arrived, so after visiting our CSA farm stand we played by the fountain a bit.

Madeline has been trying more and more to take in absolutely everything, her eyes darting from one spot to another and lingering on each scene as she processes its details.

On the way home, we stopped by our favorite food truck, which was parked next to a free outdoor jazz concert. After all that -- farmers market, food, and music -- by the time we finished our walk and made it inside, Madeline was more than ready to sleep.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Goodbye Allen grandparents

Today the Allen grandparents took off for Portland. We had quite a week: visits from four grandparents, a great grandparent, and a cousin, among others, wandering along the Rhode Island coast, parties with lots of new people, and a newly minted PhD! Now we'll see, once again, whether Madeline can function when all she has for attention at home is the two of us parents.

I was at work when all the following photos were taken, so today I think I'll let them speak for themselves.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Conanicut redux

This morning (after too long a hiatus) we went to Olga's for brunch. Madeline tried bacon!

Next we visited my office so Summer's parents could check it out. At first, Madeline wasn't impressed ...

... but eventually she warmed to it.

After the office visit we embarked on a big adventure. Stopping to refuel (gas, and beverages from Brewed Awakenings) along the way, we soon found ourselves in Jamestown. This time, Madeline was impressed right away.

The Allens posed with a peculiar statue ...

... and again with the harbor and Newport Pell Bridge* in the background.

Next we stopped by Mackerel Cove Beach, where we'd spotted a Del's truck while driving around past Beavertail and Pat's pigs. And so we did what any good Rhode Islanders would do:

Madeline desperately wanted to share in the Del's; Summer obliged with a bit, but I didn't. Maniacal me:

That was enough adventure. We returned home, ordered pizza ...

... bathed the baby, and that was just about that.

* Technically the Claiborne Pell Bridge, colloquially the Newport Bridge, diplomatically the Newport Pell Bridge.