Saturday, September 16, 2017

May Part 6 of 6 (hard work & Ipswich River)

At the end of the school year, we were treated to Madeline's kindergarten concert.

Oliver decided to begin working on writing his name.

He felt very proud of his progress.

For her part, Madeline decided to work on her animal drawings.

And we finally planted our garden!

We had more nice times in the back yard.

And we decided that yet another excursion was in order ...

... this one to MassAudubon's Ipswich River preserve ...

... where the birds will eat right out of your hand!

There are lots of friendly turtles to see too.

And on this visit we were treated to a stalking great blue heron.

Check out this fun picture, where a nuthatch is deciding whether to eat from my hand while a heron stalks in the lower right corner.

The visit was capped off by a raptor of some sort consuming its prey up in a tree near the visitor center.  An exciting way to end May!

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