Thursday, September 14, 2017

May Part 4 of 6 (Grandpa Paul & carnival)

Our number did not linger at five for long ...

... as we were shortly joined in Rhode Island by Grandpa Paul!

It was the end of the school year and Oliver was plum tuckered.

Madeline liked to visit the school chicks.

She even drew a chicken-related diagram on the white board.

Once he woke up, Oliver was pleased to return to some of his favorite spots on campus too, such as this rock by the nursery playground.

At home, the kiddos played nicely together ...

... when they weren't snuggling with Grandpa Paul ...

... (or playing trains with him).

And Grandma Mandy's book-reading skills were still in high demand.

One day we decided we had to taste-test Providence's other fancy donuts.

Shockingly, they were all good!

Later, we visited the kiddos' school carnival.

We all enjoyed some Del's frozen lemonade.

(For his part, Oliver double-fisted with cotton candy too.)

Madeline got her face painted, causing her to dance and sway artistically ...

... while Oliver made for a ferocious alligator!

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