Thursday, March 31, 2016

From New Hampshire

After our hike, we got lunch at Lindy's Diner, where presidential candidates are apparently required to eat.

Back at the cabin as Oliver napped, Madeline cataloged the rocks she found on our hike (a guidebook said there have been lots of precious stones and metals found there, and oh did she search).

When Oliver woke up, it was warm and sunny and time to take out the canoe!

The kids were ready!

We paddled out around Granite Lake; the kids seemed very excited and nervous at the same time (Madeline worried we wouldn't find our way home and would be stuck on the lake forever).

Afterward, despite their nerves, both kids agreed the canoe trip was the highlight of our New Hampshire visit -- we're all looking forward to getting out on the water again sometime soon.

Back at the cabin, we started a fire and cooked up some bratwursts.

Then we roasted marshmallows and made s'mores (though the kiddos preferred the marshmallows sans graham crackers and chocolate).

The next day was Easter.  Somehow the Easter bunny found us in our little cabin!

Then we cleaned up and drove home, where Madeline decided she needed to write an important letter to Nanny and Pop Pop ...

... and we dyed Easter eggs out in the back yard.

After all that, it was back to school and normalcy for the kids.  Here's a shot of them from this evening -- what good buddies they are!

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