Saturday, March 12, 2016

End of February, beginning of March: Napatree, Rome Point & artwork

Madeline continues to love art.

She was proud of this masterpiece: two hearts flanking a tree with a baby bluebird in its branches, a mommy bluebird on the grass (beneath which there are worms doing their wormly business), all beneath a bright yellow sun.

A couple weeks ago, we tried the new pizza place that recently opened in our neighborhood -- we'd been excited about it since the fall.

The food was very good!  But the kiddos had some trouble behaving nicely, and Madeline also took a swig of some hot cocoa that resulted in a scream followed by the sobbed question: "Why did the hot cocoa choose to burn my mouth -- why?!"  The outing was not terribly relaxing.

The next day, we had a fabulous play date with Madeline's school friend Caden and his family.  On Sunday, the kiddos wore matching ponytails.

Then we met up with Lauren, Dan, and Emily at Napatree Point.  Madeline especially enjoyed the view from the top of the tall dunes.

Oliver -- despite bashing his mouth against an errant board and bleeding profusely early on -- took on his usual role of enjoying everything fully.

The next weekend, the kiddos did something they do more and more often: when the woke up before we did, they sat together in Madeline's bed and looked at books.  Very sweet.

We had a low-key Saturday filled with activities like this new favorite game of Madeline's: someone else provides shapes, numbers, letters, symbols -- you name it -- and she turns them into fantastic creatures.

Of course, there are limits to how low-key life can really get when it involves a 5-year-old and a 2.5-year-old.

We also went over to the nearby schoolyard to kick around the soccer ball and otherwise run off some steam.

On Sunday morning, we joined an unofficial class field trip to Rome Point for seal watching and general merriment!  Some merriment is below:

On the walk back, several of the kids decided to climb this intimidating boulder.  Madeline was very proud to steel her nerves and join her friend Holden at the summit.

Later that day, we had a play date with Oliver's friend Benji at the zoo playground.  For a while, Oliver chased this poor peacock.

Then he and Benji found other ways to have fun.

To cap off this post, here are a couple more examples of Madeline's artwork: first, a stegosaurus she drew for me ...

... and second, a cat with pink fleas.

1 comment:

  1. You were very lucky to spot the early bud/flowers of the Skunk Cabbage which quickly grow into huge green leaves and eventually become somewhat smelly; hence the name. They grow in great profusion in and near swampy water. I have never found the early showing because the leaves seem to appear like magic. xo N
