Saturday, April 16, 2016

Visits from Marc and Sweetie Pie

We started off April with two visits: one from Madeline's class hamster Sweetie Pie ...

... and one from Uncle Marc!

Sweetie Pie and Uncle Marc picked a cold, rainy weekend to visit.  So our activities included things like visiting the Lego store at the mall for special kits, making the kits (see above), and going out for beer and barbecue at Brutopia (also see above).

Uncle Marc brought special gifts for the kiddos:

On Sunday morning, we went duckpin bowling.

Oliver got help from the dinosaur ...

... while Uncle Marc displayed his winning form.

Petey took a keen interest in Sweetie Pie, so Madeline built him a block fortress.

For dinner, we had clams.


On Monday morning, the kiddos said goodbye to Uncle Marc ...

... and headed out into an unexpectedly snowy April morning.

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