Monday, April 27, 2015

Things the kids like

Oliver likes oatmeal.

Both kids like waiting at the pharmacy for medicine.

And Madeline likes sleeping.

Madeline also likes the latest spring fashions from Grandma Mandy's box ...

... and spending her Friday afternoon with Summer at the local natural history museum.

When he made it home from school Friday, Oliver also liked the latest spring fashions.

On Saturday, the kids liked spending time outside!

On Sunday morning, Madeline made a card for a classmate whose birthday party was later that morning.  It featured a microbe (later converted to a spiderweb) and a flower.  Madeline likes microbes (and spiderwebs and flowers too).

The birthday party was at a lovely Audubon preserve.

Usually Madeline likes Audubon preserves, but this time she was flagging on the short walk into the woods.  Soon she announced that she was feeling sick -- all in all, she couldn't really enjoy the party.  She only ate one bite of birthday cake!  We left a little early and she spent the rest of the day on the couch.

Oliver joined her too -- but only for a little bit.

Then he abandoned the couch to build towers with blocks -- he likes building!

Madeline has not liked being sick.  She had to miss school today and went to bed this evening at 6.  Let's hope she likes tomorrow better.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Maddie is really getting into drawing these days!
    So sorry she has been so sick:-( . Hope she is up and about again soon.
    Thanks so much for the blog postings.
