Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Sick and better again, with lots of art

Madeline remained sick and stayed home from school last Tuesday and Wednesday too.

Once she was back to retaining her bodily fluids, she got nice and clean.  The evening air was warm and humid enough that her hair curled up.

Full recovery also meant a full return to Madeline's passion: art.

And Oliver loves to color, just like his sister.

Madeline loves to show off her finished masterpieces.

Oliver has developed the patience to finish some masterpieces of his own.

Madeline also likes helping to take care of our community garden plot.  (Well, sometimes, at least.  Sometimes she prefers to play on the playground next door.)  Our carrots and greens are beginning to sprout!

And she likes Petey.

It's been so refreshing seeing the world turn green.  The kiddos love being outside.

Here's another Madeline masterpiece.  The person on the left is Summer, wearing a diving suit and helmet.  The pink tentacled creature to the right is a large octopus.

And here's a box structure Oliver enjoyed playing with.

On Sunday, we went down to Connecticut to visit with Lauren, Dan, Emily, and (Oliver's favorite) Maggie the dog.

Then Sunday night the kids wore matching shirts for pajamas and were adorable.

(They usually are.)

1 comment:

  1. Art, what a wonderful way to spend the time. It was my favorite and also John and Meg's. I love seeing the progression in her work. Our kitchen walls were papered with the kid's drawings and later they were removed and saved and presented to them to do with them as they wished. So glad M is feeling better. Great about the garden. I have yet to start ours. Love, N
