Monday, April 20, 2015

Worms and dirt and slugs and such

Spring has kept us busy.  Taking care of little ones ...

... can sometimes be so exhausting that a parent falls asleep on the kitchen floor.

Seriously, I fell asleep on the kitchen floor.

But we also got our Little Free Library mounted to the tree out front, and filled with books to boot!

(There's a great video that goes with that picture, but alas! I can't get it to work.)

Last weekend, we met up with some other families to watch some Brown women's rugby.

But Oliver had been limping on Friday and Saturday, and by Sunday morning he couldn't walk.  So Summer took him to urgent care ...

... where it was determined that he probably had a harmless virus that would just run its course, but they couldn't say for sure, so a Monday morning visit to the pediatrician was in order.

Meanwhile, Madeline the mermaid and I hung out in the yard ...

... and hunted for worms.

While all that was going on, we also got off the waitlist for a community garden we'd signed up for before Madeline was born, just a block or so away from our old apartment.  We decided to take the plunge, and went to visit it Sunday afternoon.

Then, back at home, the kids dug for worms some more.

Which, of course, necessitated a bath later (have no fear! -- the water is not a result of dirt from the kids -- it's just a festive bath product).

Monday morning did indeed bring a visit to the pediatrician ...

... who confirmed that Oliver's inability to walk was likely the product of a harmless virus that would soon run its course.

For his part, Oliver confirmed that he is a very sweet-tempered little guy.

After I picked up Madeline from school, we enjoyed the lovely weather and played in the yard some more.  She found a slug!  After she showed it off to me ...

... she brought it with her to check on our little library, and then brought it across to street to show our neighbor Fred.

There's more to come in another post, but just to head off any lingering concern, those last pictures are from last Monday; Oliver was up and running and fully his usual self Tuesday morning.

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