Monday, March 30, 2015

The rest of spring break

Madeline's spring break last week continued with more fun.  On Thursday, Summer and I worked in the morning and then took Madeline to Benefit Street ...

... where we got a special lunch at DenDen (Madeline used chopsticks!) ...

... before visiting the RISD museum.

We saw an Egyptian sarcophagus and mummy ...

... a giant Buddha ...

... a few Monet paintings ...

... and a highly polished copper fireplace cover, among other treasures.

After the museum visit, Oliver and Madeline colored at home ...

... where Madeline made her own masterpiece.  It's a picture of Oliver, signed by the artist!

Madeline had spent Wednesday with Holden and her family, and Holden spent Friday with us.  The girls made crafts ...

... examined rocks ...

... played outside ...

... and read books together.

It was a fun day!

Saturday morning, we ate pancakes.  Immediately after wolfing down four and a half full-sized pancakes, Oliver looked around.  "Pizza?" he said.  "Did you say, 'Pizza?'" we asked, shocked.  "Da," he responded. "Pizza -- snack, please.  Crackers?"  Oliver is voracious.  Alas for him, we had no pizza.

Saturday afternoon, we attended Lea's fourth birthday party.  Madeline was the world's daintiest and most delicate piñata whacker, a far cry from her usual force-of-nature status.

Sunday, after a morning play date with Madeline's school friend Kyle, we got out in the sun and ran around at the elementary school, occasionally kicking (or carrying) Madeline's soccer ball.

Then Sunday evening, the weather was actually decent enough that I grilled while Oliver volunteered to turn the material at the top of the composter (which is FINALLY accessible again after months buried in the snow).

Of course this morning it snowed again (but didn't stick!).

Today was Madeline's last day of spring break -- she's back to school tomorrow.  The crown she made last week with Holden (scroll up and look on the kitchen table) finally dried.

More excitingly, though, this afternoon Summer took her to see her very first movie in a real movie theater.

She saw Home and was wowed by everything.  We spent most of dinner discussing various parts of the movie ("When the Boov dances but isn't really dancing he kind of has orange stripes.") and Madeline's theater experience ("The lights went out but it wasn't too dark -- I could see Mommy the whole time!").  All in all, it worked out to be quite a spring break for the little kiddo.  Now we have to start thinking about summer -- eek.

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