Monday, March 2, 2015

End of February (and beginning of March) shenanigans

Last weekend, in addition to Oliver's typical reading ...

... we attended a costume birthday party!

Oliver was an astronaut ...

... and Madeline was a superhero princess.

Most of the time, though, she's just a cool kiddo.

At school, Oliver made a Mardi Gras mask.  Though he's wearing it here, he usually insists that it's for his sister.

Madeline's sharp sense of style ...

... extends to her vocabulary too.  She's coined a form of slang that involves severely truncating words.  Her special purple scissors are either "sciz" or "purps."  Sometimes she has to go "pods" (potty).  And in the morning, it's time for "breks" (breakfast).

On Friday morning, Madeline got dressed up.

While Oliver hammed it up for the camera.

After Summer picked Madeline up from school, they got lunch at the local bakery, and finished off their meal with a special treat of clover cookies.

They even brought home some cookies to share.  This excited Oliver.

At night, Madeline tried out some new footie pajamas that she was very excited to receive.  She's worn them every night since.

On Saturday, Madeline carefully constructed a block tower ...

... while a grinning Oliver barreled around, occasionally stopping to add a piece here or there (and occasionally knocking over a turret much to his sister's chagrin).

Madeline was very proud of her creation.

When Oliver took his nap, Madeline and I headed down to the basement to begin painting our Little Free Library.

When Oliver woke up, we grinned for the camera.

Then we checked out Madeline's school poster, which we'd hung on the wall while Oliver was sleeping.  When he saw the poster, he was very excited and exclaimed, pointing: "Kitty!  Ariel!  Maddie!  Baby!"

On Sunday, Madeline once again became Maddie the Superhero!  She can tell you all about what this entails:

And today, Madeline's long-awaited booster seat arrived.  Its purchase was spurred in large part by Oliver's large size -- approaching too large for his baby seat.

So Madeline is moving into this ...

... while Oliver moves into Madeline's old seat.  (Though he dreams of being as big a kid as Madeline is.)

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful surprise this morning. I just thought...oh, I'll check...and found a real treat. What fun you all have and how we enjoy "peeking in" to your lives. Love from Us....N
