Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The calendar says it's spring, but it's below freezing outside.

Oliver sleeps adorably.

Sometimes at daycare he can be a character -- for instance, by continuing to lounge on his napping setup long past the end of naptime.

One afternoon Summer picked up the kids and took them to the playground while I finished work.

The snow made this interesting.

The weekend before last, we went to the zoo.

As usual, the kids' favorite parts of the zoo are the elephants (which we barely saw this time around) and the goats (with which we spent lots of time).

Oliver may sleep adorably, but Madeline eats adorably.

One great thing about Rhode Island: zeppole for St. Joseph's Day (though we ate ours a few days early).

A week ago, Oliver turned nineteen months old!

He mused about the implications of this new milestone.

Also a week ago, it was St. Patrick's Day!  Madeline wore her finest clover clothes.

She and I also have begun the lettering on our little free library.  Not a masterpiece, but it'll do.  Madeline has contributed; she takes her painting job very seriously.

Last week, Summer made cookies and the kiddos enjoyed them.

Saturday morning it snowed -- and accumulated!  But by late Saturday afternoon, the new snow had melted.  To celebrate, we got delicious seafood at Iggy's.

Now that it's light later in the evening, we can even enjoy the beach a bit after dinner (though Oliver mostly just enjoyed his doughboy).

Madeline is on spring break this week, so I took Monday off and took her to the Museum of Science in Boston.  This was wholly her choice -- when I asked her what she'd like to do, she said, "Go to a museum and see fossils!"  So we did.

I asked Madeline to show off her teeth like this Giganotosaurus, and this was the face that resulted:

Finally, she admired the T. rex from above.

Today she was home with Summer; perhaps there will be more excitement later this week.

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