Sunday, September 29, 2013

Apple picking, play date, haircut

Oliver was happy!

And Friday night, Madeline was happy she got to try a famous Iggy's doughboy -- yum!

Madeline helped me make pear pancakes.

Then (after stopping to pick up a jacket for Madeline) we went apple picking.

At first, Madeline said, "I don't like this place."  But frequent encounters with woolly bear caterpillars changed her mind -- especially this one on her hat.

The day was gorgeous too -- too gorgeous for Madeline's new jacket, which she shrugged off her shoulders.

We picked lots of apples.

And we had fun.

Ilan came over -- and we got to meet his little sister Avigail, too!

Madeline and Ilan played hide and seek -- Imri found the kids hiding behind a tree.

When Ilan and family were leaving, they spotted a praying mantis in our front yard.

To use Madeline's favorite word these days, the mantis was cool.

After Madeline's nap, she and Summer went out to run errands while Oliver and I hung out and watched football.

The game was disappointing, but the results of the errands were not -- Madeline ended up with a haircut that is, in her words, cool.

This seems as good a place as any to interject an incomplete list of pet names Madeline has used for Oliver:
  • mourning dove
  • morning glory
  • scallop shell
  • sticky bun
  • bowling ball
  • armadillo
  • lollipop
She's a character for sure.


  1. Lovely, lovely! Great pictures...some for the frame for sure. Welcome to the baby sister! Aren't we all lucky? I look at these happy pictures and I feel hope ... and JOY! I like Madeline's hair cut and I am really glad that she liked the house at the shore ... let's keep our fingers crossed for even more days next summer. Kisses all around from here in DE....Much Love...N

  2. Happy, Happy Family... Hooray!!!

  3. Oh... Forgot to say, Ms Maddie is a force of nature!!! I mean that in a very positive way...
