Saturday, February 4, 2017

Oregon Part 2

The Christmas season arrived then in earnest.  Presents began to appear under the tree.

The kiddos enjoyed even more quality time with family.

And we got out into a bit of nature again, which thrilled Oliver to no end.

Even thicker fog created an even spookier atmosphere.

But the cool, damp air did not weigh down our spirits!

The festivities began with Christmas Eve dinner.

Stockings were hung by the chimney with care.

And lo!  On Christmas morning, those stockings were full (and then some)!

What could be in them?

Excitement, that's what!

(And Ton Ton too.)

After a brief lull ...

... there was more present-opening ...

... and later came Christmas dinner, for which Oliver got all dressed up.

After dinner, the festivities weren't done yet.  The kiddos had found break-your-own geodes in their stockings, and accordingly we proceeded to break them.

Finally Christmas came to an end with bedtime book-reading by Grandma Mandy.

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