Sunday, July 17, 2016

Daddy camp

The rest of the week after the Fourth, I took off work and took Madeline on a series of adventures.  Tuesday was clamming at Potter Cove in Jamestown. Madeline approached the situation with customary ferocity.

Then, rather than digging clams, she preferred to lounge on the shore eating a sun-butter and jelly sandwich and monitoring hermit crabs I fished out of the water.

Nevertheless, we ended up with a handful of clams.

And Madeline did a triumphant dance ...

... before falling asleep in the car.

At home, we cleaned our clams ...

... cooked them up ...

... and polished them off.

The next day, we headed up to Mass Audubon's Ipswich River sanctuary.  There we saw a snapping turtle, a frog, chipmunks, and many, many painted turtles.

We also had nuthatches ...

... and chickadees eat birdseed out of our hands.


Afterward, Madeline got a nature log in which she recorded her observations about many of the creatures we encountered.

Then on Thursday, we took a ride on the Block Island Ferry!

As we approached the island ...

... Madeline got excited!

On Block Island, we explored some Ocean View Foundation land and Madeline found a robin's egg.

Then we hiked out to Mohegan Bluffs, stopping off along the way at Pebbly Beach for a snack ...

... and then at the Southeast Lighthouse for another snack.  Then we finally got to the top of Mohegan Bluffs ...

... then partway down ...

... then all the way down for lunch.

All this tired Madeline out, so I hiked back with her on my shoulders.  Then we took a break for ice cream.

And back on the ferry, Madeline again recorded her observations in her nature log.

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