Tuesday, February 9, 2016

January, part 3: is it winter, or not?

After Grandma and Grandpa left, winter actually arrived.  We did lots of playing inside ...

... but also ventured out into the snow.

Sledding was fun -- for Madeline, at least.  Oliver's gloves got wet, then he cast them off, and not long after that he was very ready to head home.  Madeline hung on for several more trips down the hill.

And, when it's wintry out, what could be better than a trip to the cozy confines of the neighborhood library?

Something about the weather compelled us to eat fresh pineapple; Oliver's implement of choice was an ice cream scoop.

On Saturday, Madeline and I met up with two of her classmates for daddy-daughter bowling.

Madeline lasted about four frames of enthusiastic bowling, then started dropping balls that didn't even make it down to the pins.  But she still ended up with the top kid score!  And she was much very excited about the ice cream we went out for afterward.

By Sunday, winter had fled.  The previous week's snow had melted, so we went (as we so often do) to the beach.  The kiddos were thrilled to throw rocks into the water.

Oliver convinced us all to take our shoes off.  We even got our feet wet!

Ah, the good life.

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