Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Fall leaves and picking out pumpkins

On Thursday, we had Madeline's parent-teacher conference after school.  While we were conferring, Madeline joined the after-school program and made signs to support the girls' field hockey team. Then they went out and cheered!

Speaking of sports, sometimes Madeline looks like a soccer star.

And sometimes she doesn't.

This past weekend, we had a lovely play date with Lea and baby Sam on Saturday, and then we spent Sunday outside enjoying the beautiful New England fall.  In the morning, we went for a hike at the Maxwell Mays Audubon refuge.

Madeline enjoyed picking up the fallen leaves.

Summer and I enjoyed admiring the turned leaves, both fallen and unfallen.

We interspersed fun ...

... with admiring the view.


Then Madeline climbed on the big rocks.

Summer joined her.

And then we left.

That afternoon, we visited Frerichs Farm with Benji to find pumpkins.  We also enjoyed the farm's various other amenities ...

... like this giant moose!

After picking out our pumpkins ...

... we explored the corn maze.

Madeline and I ran (yes, ran!) through it three times.

Madeline has taken to drawing families of various creatures, like Hello Kitties ...

... and monsters, all of whom are named Harry (the monsters, that is, not the kitties).

1 comment:

  1. Great blog posting; especially loved the wanted poster of Oliver, Maddie and the moose, and the beautiful New England fall....
