Sunday, October 11, 2015

Connecticut, soccer, curls, and a day in Bristol

Last weekend we met up with Lauren and Emily at a children's museum in Connecticut.  Groups of tiny people at children's museums are very difficult to capture photographically!

At the museum, Madeline mostly made crafts.

While Oliver especially loved exploring the great green room with a telephone, and a red balloon, and a picture of the cow jumping over the moon, and three little bears sitting in chairs, and so on...

He decided to say "Goodnight, moon!" himself ...

... and then Madeline joined him.

On Monday, we had a car in the shop, so Summer and the kids picked me up from work.  To eat up some time after school pickups, Summer took the kids to the sky bridge between a downtown Providence hotel and the Providence Place Mall.  Oliver had fun.

Oliver has also been enjoying his newfound ability to use the potty.  He's doing very well, and even enjoys washing his hands afterward.

On Friday, I picked Madeline up after her soccer practice:

[Note: this video doesn't seem to be working.  I'll update if I figure out a way to fix it...]

Then I took her to get frozen yogurt.  She approved.

Friday evening I took this picture to show how long and curly Oliver's hair is getting.

In fact, after a quiet Saturday morning, with Summer off at a conference in Cambridge ...

... Oliver asked for a ponytail -- and got one!

He was very pleased with this.

In Summer's absence, I took the kids down to the Audubon Center in Bristol, at their request.

They were quite good.

Then we got delicious lunch at Ricotti's.  But the kids just wanted to drink their coffee milks:

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