Thursday, July 9, 2015

Start of July (Update 3 of 4)

Every night these days, Madeline writes or draws or otherwise makes marks in her journal.  It's become an essential part of her evening routine.

In other news, last week we dined at Olneyville New York System so Sarah could try hot wieners.

Madeline, as is her wont, had a clam strip roll instead (and coffee milk).

Then we visited the garden, which is overflowing its plot!

 Madeline again sampled a carrot we grew from seed.

On Friday, we met Taylor at Colt State Park.  The kiddos romped as usual.

Then on Saturday, we went over to Tiverton for our standard visitor fare of Evelyn's fried whole belly clams and lobster rolls.

Good times were had by all.

And afterward we went to Gray's for ice cream!  The kiddos both got cones -- their first, I think -- and made suitably huge messes.

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