Thursday, January 1, 2015

Holiday season! (3 of 4)


Christmas morning, we all went downstairs to find that Santa Claus had come!  Madeline distributed the stockings.

She and Oliver found lots of fun stuff.

We took a break for breakfast: leftover apple-gingerbread crumble from the night before and kringle from Grandma Mandy and Grandpa Paul.

Then it was time to open gifts.  There were lots of highlights.  Here are a few:

Santa brought Oliver a drum.

Uncle Matt sent Uncle Marc a crazy horse mask.

Aunt Sarah sent Madeline a tiger.

Uncle Alex sent Oliver a kitty.

Grandma Susy and Grandpa John sent Oliver a car and its occupants.

Uncle Matt sent Madeline an owl-themed superhero costume.

Grandma Mandy and Grandpa Paul sent Oliver a baby doll.

He said, "Baby! Baby!" and gave it a kiss.

Uncle Matt also made sure superhero Madeline had a suitable sidekick.

By afternoon, the massive responsibility incumbent on any superhero was beginning to weigh on Madeline.

After all, even when dressed up for Christmas dinner, she took her duties very seriously.

Meanwhile, Summer set a fancy table -- the inaugural use of our china!

And everyone gathered round ...

... for a feast of prime rib, Yorkshire pudding, mashed potatoes, and Brussels sprouts with a bacon cream sauce.  Yum.

We finished it off with miniature walnut-chocolate tortes.  Also yum.

After dinner, everyone felt like this:

The kiddos were very tired.

But they willingly posed for a couple of holiday family pictures ...

... before heading up to bed.

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