Thursday, January 1, 2015

Holiday season! (1 of 4)

This is the first and shortest of four posts that'll take us through the holidays and finally catch up to the present.

On December 17, Oliver turned 16 months old.

Characteristically, he was pleased by this.

He has his own peculiar way of celebrating.

On December 18, Summer took Madeline to Small Point Cafe in downtown Providence while I finished up at work.  Madeline adorned the wall.

The 19th was Madeline's last day of school before Christmas break.  She celebrated by playing on the school playground.

We've implemented seafood Saturdays.  For the 20th we made the call to go to Iggy's. Madeline put together her best hipster ensemble ...

... and off we went to await chowder, clam cakes, and doughboys.

The next couple days were pretty slow.  There was some excitement on the 23rd, when we set out presents under the tree ...

... but the household energy level really picked up the next day -- Christmas Eve.

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