Thursday, November 20, 2014

November: week 2

On November 8, we took the kids to WaterFire.  It was dark.

We watched the fire.

We got some dinner.

And Oliver ran around downtown Providence like a crazed and blurry squirrel.

Summer had chased him while I procured food, so I chased him while she and Madeline watched the fire on the river.

On November 9, Madeline wrote her name (with an extra "E").

And though I was not feeling well, we picked up sandwiched from Ricotti's and went to Colt State Park.

Oliver helped Madeline build a new fairy house.

Aw, sibling love.

Oliver has been quite the self-advocate when it comes to milk lately, retrieving it from the fridge and brandishing it while intoning, "mulc, mulc, mulc!"

On Friday, Summer took the kids to the playground while I finished up at work ...

... then we went to Sea Shanties, which is a favorite activity for all of us.

In fact, Madeline asks more days than not if we can go to Sea Shanties.

Alas, the event is only once a month.

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